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Nairobi to Arusha

Nairobi to Arusha

Side note: There aren't going to be too many pictures in this post as I was barely awake for the past day or so and figured I would get plenty of pictures of the road at a later time.

After arriving in Nairobi we made our way through customs and then pleasantly surprised when Thom spotted a guy with my name on a sign waiting for us. You see we had made other arrangements to start our trip. We were arriving a day early from when our tour was to start and we were suppose to originally stay in Nairobi for two nights. Realizing we weren't really going to see much in Nairobi as our tour was heading out on the second day anyway and things weren't sounding too great on the news about the area Intrepid told us we could meet up with the group on the second day in Arusha, Tanzania instead and so we chose that option. I had booked us a seat on a local shuttle to take us from the airport to Arusha and knew I had to find some guy named Peter near a restaurant. So when I didn't have to go looking around asking for directions I was pleased.(Thom's ADHD comes in handy sometimes...he he he)
So we were suppose to board or leave around 8 am but we are on "Africa" time now so I'd say by the time the shuttle actually left it was probably 9:30. :-)

As we pulled out I saw my first wild animal a zebra....unfortunately it was road kill :-( We'll take that as a positive omen for the future....thanks for the memories Kenya.

The trip to Arusha was actually really cool and if I could have kept my eyes open long enough or had the energy to actually pull my camera out I might have had some photos to share. So some brief descriptions is all ya going to get now.

The landscape went from vast flat lands to distant soft mountains in the backgrounds. We passed several herds of goats, donkeys and cattle. Yay more cows!!! One heard slowed our trip down as they crossed. We passed Majestic Masai men and women herding their flocks and caring baskets on their heads. I woke Thom from his slumber once in amazement to see a ton of camels being herded on the side of the road. Yup more camels too! Two hours later we stopped at the boarder crossing got out filled out more forms and got finger printed again.... Back on the shuttle. Thom woke me in time to see an ostrich which I know was real but it felt like a miráge as I stared really hard to make sure I wasn't hallucinating from lack of sleep.

The weather here is wonderful too. Way better than sticky NJ. Sunny and warm during the days maybe in the 80s. You can get hot in the sun but because there is no humidity it is significantly cooler in the shade. Nights are actually chilly so no air con needed.

We finally made it to our hotel and it is really nice!

I have pictures of this only because I took them the next day after they re made our bed and I could function in the day again...lol


So now we are just relaxing and resting up as tomorrow we leave this comfort to hit the road overland style.

Side note the Tusk beer is named that based on an elephant that killed one of the original brewers or founders of this beer...or so the story on the bottle says.

We'll be camping at least 17 of our nights and I'm sure I won't have wifi as often. I plan to keep record and account as best I can and then post when or if wifi becomes available. So posts will probably be nothing and then maybe multiple all at once.
Tomorrow we meet up with our group and truck and head to A small village community, Mto Wa Mbu that is said to offer an excellent way to get a close-up look at life in an African town away from the main tourist trail. It will be our first campsite.


Kwa heri!

Posted by Kelly Rose 07:50 Archived in Tanzania

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So happy you made it there safe! Thinking of you and Thom on your travels. I am off now to Google the Tusker Beer Brewer story. Can't wait to read more of your adventures. Lottsa hugs! Juls

by Juls

Sounds like you are off to a good start! Can't wait to see some pics! Wishing you safe travels and lots of fun!

by jimmiejoebob

Where in the world are Kelly and Thom?? Sounds like a game to be played. This one is for Thom, our first born son who arrived on August 08, 1956. Not happy to be disturbed from a warm and cozy womb, turning blue in the face when picked up and loved. So glad that didn't last long. Happy Birthday Thom, where ever you are, and know we love you and treasure every moment of your past,looking forward to a long and fulfilling future. God bless, Mom and Dad

by Mom and Dad McLaughlin

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