This entry doesn´t count sorry....
Yea so we are sitting in Lima airport after a 3 and 1/2 hour flight from La Paz. We arrived here at 7 P.M and out flight doesn´t leave until 12:20....swell! So we had a nice diner which lasted about a half an hour.... Now I am sitting at a place where as long as I but drinks I can use the internet for things may get sloppy here...Hahahahahaha! But wait it gets better.....shit I know I should have looked at the schedule more......when we get to Miami it will be 7 in the morning and our plane to Philly doesn´t leave until almost 2!!!! What the F! Oh well. Sorry this doesn´t really count as anything important to share but rather something to bide my time with. La la la! Lesson learned.....If someone else books your flight look at it closer before you leave the country...hopefully our bags will make it back as well...LOL
Posted by Kelly Rose 18:42
That's why I always travel with a professional!!! Just get home safe!
by Lori Marino